Slicing Settings

Use the guide below to understand the different slicing settings found in Tinkerine Suite.


Change printing profiles. “L” for Litto users, “D+” for Ditto+ users, and “DP” for DittoPro users.


Change resolution settings. Choose from 300, 200, 100, and 50 Micron. Default set to Medium - 200 (0.2mm per layer). Printing at a lower resolution (300 micron) will allow for a faster print, while printing at higher resolutions (50 micron) will take the longest, but allow for the best finish. For more information on printing resolution, visit this guide.


The infill setting adjusts the model’s density, default is set to 10%.

From left to right: 0% Infill, 10% Infill, 20% Infill


Filament Diameter. Input the diameter of your filament. Use of a digital caliper is recommended. If you are using Tinkerine PLA filament and do not have a caliper on hand, set to to 1.71 mm. Visit this guide to learn how to measure your filament diameter.


Changes the thickness of the wall that make up the outer surface of the model. Default is set at 1.

From left to right: 1 Wall, 2 Wall, 3 Wall.


Activate support when you have steep angles or overhanging structures on your model; there are two modes of support:

Ext Mode (Builds support on the exterior of the object): This mode is useful when you don’t want support structures in every nook and cranny of your model, and only on the exterior where it’s easier to remove.

All Mode (Builds support everywhere it needs): This mode of support will print structures everywhere it is needed, which is useful when you have several overhanging points at different areas of the print.

Support: ALL

Angle: 30 Degree

In this example, support setting is set to ALL. Thus, support structure is printed for both tiers of the overhanging roof. Since the angle threshold is set to 30 degrees, supports were also generated for the angled piece on the right side of the image (not required).

Support: ALL

Angle: 85 Degree

In this example, support setting is still set to ALL, but the angle is set to 85 degree now. This means that support will only be generated for the overhanging roofs but not the angled portion of the model. Since the angle is well within the printer’s capabilities, it will print out just fine without the need for support pillars.

Support: EXT

Angle: 85 Degree

In the final example, the support setting is turned to EXT mode. This means that although support structure is required for both levels of the overhanging roof, only the bottom one will have supports printed for it. In this mode, the base of the support structures will never be in contact with the printed model.


This sets the printing speed of the printer. Recommended speed range is 50-70 mm/s for best printing quality.


This sets the temperature to which the hotend heats up to. For Tinkerine 1.75 PLA filament, set the hotend temperature to 215-220 degrees Celsius.